Woolf lets us know this information in between bits of
trivial life information; though, in the trivial, we learn about the thought
processes of the characters and obtain a deep understanding of what they’re
like. Woolf does a marvelous job with
character development with seemingly small pieces of information about minor
events in life. Characters are real and
whole, and not plagued by stereotypes or other simple tools. Their flaws are presented but not summarized
and as a reader, you’re able to form your own decisions about the characters
without Woolf intending you to feel one way or the other about them.
At times, the text seems jagged and disconnected and as
such, is not always an enjoyable read.
The point of the work does not make itself evident to the very end and
seems to be summed up a little too succinctly for my tastes, though I do like
the message: “’What does the brain matter,’ said Lady Rosseter, getting up, ‘compared
to the heart?’” The message is
particularly relevant to me at the moment and follows up the message about love
in Ben-Hur quite nicely, as well. It
brings us back to the age-old question – follow your mind or follow your heart?
I think we’re meant to believe that things would have been
better, at least for Peter and Clarissa, had they given love a shot and stopped
overthinking – something we learn that both of them do on a daily basis. The thing is, we really can’t be certain that
it would have been. Perhaps Clarissa was
right and they would have destroyed each other, which leads me back to the
adage that maybe “it’s better to lose in love than not love at all.”
The ending is left ambiguously and I will replicate it in
its entirety here, so skip this part if you don’t want to hear it. “’What does the brain matter,’ said Lady
Rosseter, getting up, ‘compared to the heart?’
“’I will come up,’
said Peter, but he sat on for a moment.
What is this terror? What is this ecstasy? He thought to himself. What is it that fills me with extraordinary
It is Clarissa, he said.
For there she was.” 215
Perhaps being terrified and excited to see someone is
love? You would hope that the former
would dissipate with time but the real question is if the latter does. Is love a constant excitement? Many questions brought forth by Woolf, and I
suppose it’s our job as readers to debate the answers. On the whole, an enjoyable read which will
eventually lead me to jump down Woolf’s dark rabbit hole again – in another
P.S. It didn’t really fit in this mini-review, but both
Clarissa and a shell-shocked Septimus had a way of viewing the world for it’s
incredible beauty followed by its seedy underbelly. It was quite a thing to witness – and I felt
as if these characters had some very similar traits with me. It leads me to question whether all truly
passionate and observant people go through this.
“And down his mind went flat as a marsh, and three great
emotions bowled over him; understanding; a vast philanthropy; and finally, as
if the result of the others, an irrepressible, exquisite delight; as if inside
his brain by another hand, strings were pulled, shutters moved, and he having
nothing to do with it, yet stood at the opening of endless avenues down which
if he chose he might wander. He had not
felt so young for years.
He has escaped! Was utterly free – as happens the downfall
of habit when the mind, like an unguarded flame, bows and bends and seems about
to blow from its holding. I haven’t felt
so young for years! Thought Peter, escaping from being precisely what he was,
and feeling like a child who runs out of doors, and sees, as he runs, his old
nurse waving at the window.”
“The compensation of growing old, Peter Walsh thought,
coming out of Regeant Park , and holding his hat in his hand, was simply this;
that the passions remain as strong as ever, but one has gained – at last! – the
power which adds the supreme flavour to existence – the power of taking hold of
experience, of turning it round, slowly in the light.
Life itself, every moment of it, every drop of it, here,
this instant, now, in the sun, in Regent’s Park, was enough. Too much, indeed. A whole lifetime was too short to bring out,
now that one had acquired the power, the full flavour; to extract every ounce
of pleasure, every shade of meaning; which both were so much more solid than
they used to be.” 88--
“…to know her, or anyone, one must seek out the people who
completed them; even the places. Odd
affinities she had with people she had never spoken to, some woman in the
street, some man behind a counter – even trees, or barns.” 169
1 comment:
I should mention that this is the obvious criticisms of the class structure and also and underlying disdain for the treatment of war veterans experiencing shell-shock and other war illnesses.
Also, Mrs. Dalloway was bisexual... so this would have probably been pretty cutting edge in 1925.
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